
Reading – An addiction you must achieve

                                                     Written by sreedev

I am not a frequent reader. I don’t spend all my time reading books. But very so often I read books. By saying this I mean a lot. Since am working in a private firm and I have so many other matters to deal with, I get only a little time to read books. But yeah I can put this bluntly that in my routine I always keep a slot to read. Am so incomplete if am not able to fetch a part of any book in a week.

During my schooldays I was not having this much tie-up  with books like I have now. When I completed Engineering and was going through my hardest time “Job-hunt”, I was having a lot of free time. Yes I blow away a lot of time hunting jobs and attending interview(should be) still time for nothing was a lot for me. Its so true that “Ideal mind makes devils workshop”. My mind was wavering to become one. At that point I started seeking for something that could engage me. My Elder brother Rajdev. D.R, he is a man who drain’s most of his time reading books. So he was one of the reason that dragged me to this- Reading, but yeah now am so thankful. I started reading books.

Those who are not having this habit will feel so arid when they start. Yes I know that for sure because am also the one who walked through the same situation. My first book was one in Chetan bhagat’s series. I begun with Chetan bhagat’s- One night at call centre. Its was damn boring when I started thats not because book was bad, its because I was a starter. Even if I got bored I didn’t stopped I stick on to that and coercively put myself to the the book. But that really worked. First 2 days I was forcing myself, and from third day I started enjoying my read. I finished reading that book in 4 days, was feeling so accomplished and satisfied. That satisfaction lead to his next book “Two states”. After that I read many books fictions, Economic books, Biographies, Science etc.

Chetan Bhagat’s Books

The point is that, there is no need of having this habit from your childhood. I have heard from a lot of people saying that “I can’t read, it makes me sleep”,”I will feel bored of this”,”Its not possible for me to start reading“. See, Reading is a habit that can be enroot from any age. Only one thing is that, you should have a determination to overmaster the inceptive boring part. Believe me or not, reading can change you a lot. I personally can feel the improvements in me after I started reading books. My vocabulary,My thinking, My perspectives, My knowledge everything jumped to the next level. This made me strong and confident. Even this blog is a part of it. 

 I put in two cents that everyone those who don’t have this habit of reading should try this once. Am sure after some droplets of inceptive boring part you are going to feel heavily accomplished, happy and confident. Everything is possible, just the thing is that you must have a determination hard as nails.

 “A room without books is like body without a soul.” – Great Cicero said these lines.


Writer & Blogger

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  • I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

  • Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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  • Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

  • I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

  • Sure bro, you guys inspire me to write more…thankz a loadsss I will keep posted…

  • vishnu g b

    a simple n excellent piece of work.ur blog writins reflects ur positive atitude,determination n hardwork.ur writins r in a simple manner that after readin t everyone can catch ur mesage.continue writin my bro

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