
Beating down your limits for a better life

Written by sreedev

I have always thought it would be really difficult for me to live in a room alone with no one around. No friends to talk, no people to party, no one to pull my legs and even no one to watch all my struggles. Realising living alone is a real tough job of lifetime I was tempted to write this note about, living alone and arranging your life to keep everything in right slot.

I was new to city and there was no one for me to call up for a accommodation and so I decided to randomly check some PG and get in to one. Some decisions will be your out of sight experiences ever and this was mine. When I was getting in to the room which I leased I was not having any thoughts about how am gonna make it or how am going to start with, anyways I started my days. As days were running away I was getting settled gradually. Since its a very backward area there are only very less shops which I can go and ask for essentials. So a person who can show me the right place was very important. And I found that one friend, my first friend(So called) and he managed to show me the places where I can get all the things I wanted. And I got a place to have my food, place for laundry(I am so lazy in doing it no matter where I am). My routine was getting solid again. Getting up, Breakfast, Office, Back to room, Dinner, Read and sleep. This wheel started rotating again.

As everything was settled and my routine was back in sprint, I started feeling, that virus got activated in my body which I was always scared of, that so called “Feeling alone” virus. I have no one to talk, no one to share a joke, no one to wake me up or even to give me a company to eat out. Your life is so happening and suddenly when you fall out your comfort zone it really gives u blow, it will throw you out like anything, you will feel like getting drowned in the middle of the sea, It will drive your mind to devils home. I know I was feeling very bad and I am getting driven by many bad thoughts and habits. I started engaging myself in coding, blogging, reading etc etc. But its a fact that there are breaks even for your passions. My moods were really ascending day by day feeling so alone and desperate. On weekends after sitting in room from morning to evening, when I go out for a tea at evening I notices my sound modulations gets dried  because of staying silent whole day. You really feel so broke up when you notices that. Nothing was working out in me and I was like crashing somewhere.

I was touching the limits of loneliness. When no good things happens around a person then the person will start to adapt to the bad things which is coming around, thats why we are called humans and we are adaptive. For me the thing which was coming around all the day was loneliness. I was literally getting used to the silence around me. I slowly started hating the murmuring noises around me in office. I started talking to myself in room. I have read in some books that intelligent people will talk to themselves, and I proved people living alone also do :-p. I started to engage myself in the things which I love. Many times I felt to get drunk, smoke and even go out to fish, I have all the freedom but I was well grounded to chain my devil inside me. Freedom to do anything was not at all a new stuff to me ,so I know how to use that. Lots people go off their way cause of lack in management in the freedom they have. I trained myself to arrange everything in room, set a time to wake me up and even a time for hunger. I trained myself to fight the lonliness which was destroying me. 

These lines always keeps me inspired
I went through the situation which I was always afraid of and made it stable. Everybody is afraid of getting off  their comfort zone. I agree its really hard and it takes some guts to come of comfort zone and make everything looks outstanding. We all have limits which we believe those are the limits, but its not. We humans have no limits, in this whole wide wild universe we are just tiny atoms pitching around, still we are surviving, exploring anything and everything around us. The limits are set by us and it takes a guts to push it, break it and enjoy the other part of the gaint wall. I am no more afraid of living alone in a room with no one around. I am in love with the numbness around me. Believe me, once you are accomplish to stay happy alone without no one around and stay happy, nothing in this universe will be able to beat you down. So come out of your comfort zones, take the guts to do things which you already know its hard. Beating your devil thoughts, fear and limits down for living a better experienced life is the unrivalled habit ever, it adds meaning to your days which is more far-reaching, valuble and memorable than your daily pay.


Writer & Blogger

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  • Thanks a lots man, Hope you can see the situation is getting most out of me and I am gaining the best from it 🙂

  • Thanks a lots dear, keep reading and cheer me up…more will come for sure :)…you guys are my inspirations 🙂

  • Thanks dear, Yea I am doing it though, This blog is the best example that shows the same thing you said..Keep readin and wish me good luck 🙂

  • awssmm Yaar..njy yur loneliness bcz its gives yu sumtym to be hu yu are 🙂

  • Awesum experiences ettaaaaaa.. 🙂 Expecting more, do write & share more..

  • Dey kidu. Its straight and very positive. Expecting more from your loneliness . enjoy being alone. Make the best out of that.

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